Tik...Tik...Tik is a 2010 Telugu crime thriller movie starring Krishna Bhagawan, Saira Bhanu, and Venu Madhav. The story revo...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Tik...Tik...Tik is a 2010 Telugu crime thriller movie starring Krishna Bhagawan, Saira Bhanu, and Venu Madhav. The story revolves around Dilip, a photographer, who sends three models abroad for an international tour. However, all three are found dead under mysterious circumstances. The situation turns complex after a similar incident repeats, making Dilip the prime target. Who's behind the murder?
Audio Available in: Telugu
Tik...Tik...Tik is a 2010 Telugu crime thriller movie starring Krishna Bhagawan, Saira Bhanu, and Venu Madhav. The story revo...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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