Accident is a 2008 Kannada thriller film starring Ramesh Aravind, Pooja Gandhi and Rekha Vedavyas.The story revolves around S...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Accident is a 2008 Kannada thriller film starring Ramesh Aravind, Pooja Gandhi and Rekha Vedavyas.The story revolves around Sawanth, a radio jockey, who returns from a foreign trip and finds that his wife has died in an accident. Unable to cope with the loss and to believe the fact, Sawanth sets out to find the truth behind her death.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Accident is a 2008 Kannada thriller film starring Ramesh Aravind, Pooja Gandhi and Rekha Vedavyas.The story revolves around S...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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