Ajab Lagnachi Gajab Gosht is a 2010 Marathi comedy film starring Sai Tamhankar and Umesh Kamat. The film revolves around Priy...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Ajab Lagnachi Gajab Gosht is a 2010 Marathi comedy film starring Sai Tamhankar and Umesh Kamat. The film revolves around Priya, a popular gangster, and Rajeev, a well-educated salesman. Rajeev is on the lookout for a suitable match for himself. When Priya discovers that her uncle has left behind a fortune for her on the condition that she gets hitched, she decides to con Rajeev into marrying her. What follows is a chaotic laugh riot inspired by two diametrically opposite people.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Ajab Lagnachi Gajab Gosht is a 2010 Marathi comedy film starring Sai Tamhankar and Umesh Kamat. The film revolves around Priy...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Ajab Lagnachi Gajab Gosht