And The Oscar Goes To is a 2019 Malayalam drama movie starring Tovino Thomas, Anu Sithara, Vijayaraghavan and Salim Kumar. Th...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
And The Oscar Goes To is a 2019 Malayalam drama movie starring Tovino Thomas, Anu Sithara, Vijayaraghavan and Salim Kumar. The story revolves around Isaak Ebrahim, a passionate and a struggling Indian filmmaker, who produces and directs his first movie that gets officially selected to the Oscars. Once nominated, Isaak gets to know about the hurdles and the unfriendly situations that can shatter his dream of winning the Oscar. Can Isaak overcome the challenges and make it big? Will Isaak's first venture win him the prestigious award?
Audio Available in: Malayalam
And The Oscar Goes To is a 2019 Malayalam drama movie starring Tovino Thomas, Anu Sithara, Vijayaraghavan and Salim Kumar. Th...
Audio Available in: Malayalam
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And The Oscar Goes To