Anjadiru is a 2009 crime thriller starring Prashanth, Muralidhar and Ravi Kale. Its a story about two friends, Sathya and Kru...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Anjadiru is a 2009 crime thriller starring Prashanth, Muralidhar and Ravi Kale. Its a story about two friends, Sathya and Krupa, whose friendship is ruined after the former becomes a police officer by dubious means and the latter fails despite hard work. The police department find it tough to crack the kidnappings masterminded by Keerthi and Sathya. The movie takes a curious turn when an inspector general's daughters are kidnapped. How do police track the rapist cum kidnappers?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Anjadiru is a 2009 crime thriller starring Prashanth, Muralidhar and Ravi Kale. Its a story about two friends, Sathya and Kru...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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