Anthony Yaar is a 2009 Tamil drama starring Shaam, Mallika Kapoor and Lal. Having grown up around the church in a coastal vil...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Anthony Yaar is a 2009 Tamil drama starring Shaam, Mallika Kapoor and Lal. Having grown up around the church in a coastal village near Tuticorin and with the priest as his benefactor, Anthony is extremely kind to the fishermen and their families who work around there Anthony further wishes to save the innocent fishermen and their families from being exploited by the cunning and rowdy, Michael.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Anthony Yaar is a 2009 Tamil drama starring Shaam, Mallika Kapoor and Lal. Having grown up around the church in a coastal vil...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Antony Yaar