Arya- Ek Deewana is a 2004 released Drama movie featuring Allu Arjun, Navdeep, Kajal Aggarwal and Shraddha Das. The story r...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Arya- Ek Deewana is a 2004 released Drama movie featuring Allu Arjun, Navdeep, Kajal Aggarwal and Shraddha Das. The story revolves around two friends Arya and Ajay. They both lived together in an orphanage. Arya believed Ajay to be his best friend but Ajay just put a mask of being his friend. When they grow up, Arya joins Ajay's company. Soon, they both fall in love with Geetha. Ajay some how manages to win over her cleverly. Arya, must find his real face and propose Geetha.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Arya- Ek Deewana is a 2004 released Drama movie featuring Allu Arjun, Navdeep, Kajal Aggarwal and Shraddha Das. The story r...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Arya Ek Deewana