Baladur is a 2008 Telugu drama comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Krishna, Anushka Shetty and Chandra Mohan. The story revolves...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Baladur is a 2008 Telugu drama comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Krishna, Anushka Shetty and Chandra Mohan. The story revolves around Chanti, who loves his uncle, Rama Krishna, more than anyone else in the house. However, due to a misunderstanding in the family, Chanti leaves the house. How Chanti, though far from the family, supports and helps his uncle in everything that he does, and how his love and affection reunites him with his family forms the crux of the story.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Baladur is a 2008 Telugu drama comedy movie starring Ravi Teja, Krishna, Anushka Shetty and Chandra Mohan. The story revolves...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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