Bodyguard is a 2012 Telugu romantic action movie starring Venkatesh and Trisha. The story revolves around Venkatadri, a bodyg...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Bodyguard is a 2012 Telugu romantic action movie starring Venkatesh and Trisha. The story revolves around Venkatadri, a bodyguard, who is assigned to protect Varadarajula Naidu's family, including his daughter Keerthi. However, their lives take a dramatic turn when Keerthi poses as a stranger and starts talking to Venkatadri to get rid of him, eventually falling in love with him.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Bodyguard is a 2012 Telugu romantic action movie starring Venkatesh and Trisha. The story revolves around Venkatadri, a bodyg...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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