Boomerang is a 2019 Telugu dubbed black comedy movie starring Atharvaa, Megha Akash, and RJ Balaji. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Boomerang is a 2019 Telugu dubbed black comedy movie starring Atharvaa, Megha Akash, and RJ Balaji. The story revolves around Atharvaa, who gets a face surgery after meeting with an accident. However, his new avatar puts him in trouble as several unknown people are now after him and trying to kill him. Whom does his new face resemble, and will Atharvaa get out alive?
Audio Available in: Telugu
Boomerang is a 2019 Telugu dubbed black comedy movie starring Atharvaa, Megha Akash, and RJ Balaji. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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