Bulandi is a 2000 Hindi action drama film starring Anil Kapoor, Rajinikanth and Rekha. The story revolves around the Thakur f...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Bulandi is a 2000 Hindi action drama film starring Anil Kapoor, Rajinikanth and Rekha. The story revolves around the Thakur family of Bharatpur who are considered the head of the village. After the death of Ghajraj Thakur, his son Dada Thakur takes over his position and punishes Jagganth in a rape case. Years later, when Dada Thakur’s son Arjun is accused of raping a woman, the villagers expect Dada Thakur to give Arjun a fair punishment.
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Bulandi is a 2000 Hindi action drama film starring Anil Kapoor, Rajinikanth and Rekha. The story revolves around the Thakur f...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
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