Chanti is a 2004 Telugu action-drama movie starring Ravi Teja and Charmme Kaur in the lead roles. The story revolves around C...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Chanti is a 2004 Telugu action-drama movie starring Ravi Teja and Charmme Kaur in the lead roles. The story revolves around Chanti, who arrives in his village to protect his father's land and to get his sister married. However, when a local MLA eyes his property, Chanti refuses to part with it, leading to his brother-in-law's death. How Chanti avenges his death and safeguards the land forms the rest of the story.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Chanti is a 2004 Telugu action-drama movie starring Ravi Teja and Charmme Kaur in the lead roles. The story revolves around C...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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