Chatur Singh 2 Star is a 2011 Hindi action comedy starring Sanjay Dutt and Ameesha Patel.The story revolves around a bumbling...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Chatur Singh 2 Star is a 2011 Hindi action comedy starring Sanjay Dutt and Ameesha Patel.The story revolves around a bumbling cop, Chatur Singh, who is sent on a special mission to South Africa. Chatur has to investigate and find the assassin who murdered a corrupt politician. While in South Africa Chatur has to deal with some crazy characters who help him in his investigations.
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
Chatur Singh 2 Star is a 2011 Hindi action comedy starring Sanjay Dutt and Ameesha Patel.The story revolves around a bumbling...
Audio Available in: Hindi, Bengali, Kannada +3 more
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Chatur Singh Two Star