Chemistry of Kariyappa is a 2019 Kannada comedy movie starring Tabla Nani, Chandan Achar, Sanjana Anand and others. The story...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Chemistry of Kariyappa is a 2019 Kannada comedy movie starring Tabla Nani, Chandan Achar, Sanjana Anand and others. The story is based on a true incident that happened in the Mandya district, Karnataka. The movie revolves around Tabla Nani who leaves with his wife, son and daughter-in-law happily, but not before complications arise in his son's life. When the newly-wed son is suspected of being impotent by his wife, she files for a divorce. What will the son do to prove his wife otherwise, using his father's help in the court, forms the rest of the story.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Chemistry of Kariyappa is a 2019 Kannada comedy movie starring Tabla Nani, Chandan Achar, Sanjana Anand and others. The story...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Chemistry Of Kariyappa