This story is set in a fictional Kingdom of Agrabad which is ruled by King Suryapratap. A powerful magician Vinashak appears ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
This story is set in a fictional Kingdom of Agrabad which is ruled by King Suryapratap. A powerful magician Vinashak appears in the Palace and asks Princess Leela (elder daughter of King Suryapratap) to marry him. When Princess Leela refuses Vinashak gets furious and magically turns Princess Leela into stone.Hatim and his team travel to forbidden forest to defeat Vinashak. There Hatim has to defeat seven monsters with different magical powers to complete his quest. Can Hatim and his friends be able to defeat Vinashak and his underling and break the evil spell
Audio Available in: Hindi
This story is set in a fictional Kingdom of Agrabad which is ruled by King Suryapratap. A powerful magician Vinashak appears ...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Chhota Hatim And Seven Monsters