Cool Ganesha is a 2013 comedy film starring Jaggesh, Thashu Kaushik and Sudarshan.The story revolves around Ganesha who is un...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Cool Ganesha is a 2013 comedy film starring Jaggesh, Thashu Kaushik and Sudarshan.The story revolves around Ganesha who is unable to pay his debts. He gets entangled between two gangs who try to get their hands on a plot. Ganeshajoins one of the gang but falls in love with the daughter of the second gang leader. How will Ganesha come out of this mess?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Cool Ganesha is a 2013 comedy film starring Jaggesh, Thashu Kaushik and Sudarshan.The story revolves around Ganesha who is un...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Cool Ganesha