Devi+2 is a 2019 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Prabhu Deva, Tamannaah and Nandita Swetha. The story revolves around Kris...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Devi+2 is a 2019 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Prabhu Deva, Tamannaah and Nandita Swetha. The story revolves around Krishna, who all of a sudden, begins to behave strangely with his wife Devi. When Devi realises that Krishna is possessed by 2 spirits, she seeks help from her friend Kovai, and together, they begin to unearth the mystery behind Krishna's possessed state. How Devi struggles to save her husband from the 2 unknown spirits forms the crux of the story.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Devi+2 is a 2019 Tamil horror comedy movie starring Prabhu Deva, Tamannaah and Nandita Swetha. The story revolves around Kris...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Devi 2