Devta is a 1983 Marathi drama featuring Sudhir Dalvi, Prakash Inamdar, Maya Jadhav and others. A dacoit named Lakhan Pal ki...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Devta is a 1983 Marathi drama featuring Sudhir Dalvi, Prakash Inamdar, Maya Jadhav and others. A dacoit named Lakhan Pal kidnaps a girl called Chandrika. He tries to rape her along with his gang members. Chandrika bites Lakhan's hand and applies his blood on her forehead making him her husband so that he protects her. They have a son Sunil. When his gang is attacked Lakhan escapes with his family to his wife's father's place. He gives up being a criminal but years later it still affects Sunil.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Devta is a 1983 Marathi drama featuring Sudhir Dalvi, Prakash Inamdar, Maya Jadhav and others. A dacoit named Lakhan Pal ki...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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