Dhagedore is a 2012 Marathi crime drama featuring Sai Tamhankar, Umesh Kamat, Vinay Apte, Bhargavi Chirmuley, Sanjay Mone...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Dhagedore is a 2012 Marathi crime drama featuring Sai Tamhankar, Umesh Kamat, Vinay Apte, Bhargavi Chirmuley, Sanjay Mone and others. Prasad, a middle-class man is married to a rich woman, Manju. When she is killed, Prasad is arrested for her murder. Even though he's innocent Manju's family hires the best lawyer in town to make sure that Prasad gets the maximum punishment for Manju's death. Will Prasad be able to prove his innocence?
Audio Available in: Marathi
Dhagedore is a 2012 Marathi crime drama featuring Sai Tamhankar, Umesh Kamat, Vinay Apte, Bhargavi Chirmuley, Sanjay Mone...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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