Dharma Adharma is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srihari, Madhu Sharma, and Pradeep Rawat. The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Dharma Adharma is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srihari, Madhu Sharma, and Pradeep Rawat. The story revolves around Hanumanthu, who lives a simple life with his grandmother after losing his parents at an early age. However, when he unexpectedly learns that his father was murdered by a self-proclaimed freedom fighter, he decides to avenge his death.
Audio Available in: Oriya
Dharma Adharma is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srihari, Madhu Sharma, and Pradeep Rawat. The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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Dharma Adharma