Dharti Putra is a 1993 Bollywood Drama movie featuring Mammootty, Jaya Prada, Nagma and Farah. The story revolves around Je...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Dharti Putra is a 1993 Bollywood Drama movie featuring Mammootty, Jaya Prada, Nagma and Farah. The story revolves around Jeeva who was in love with Shiva. On their wedding night, Yashpal singh kills Shiva. Jeeva was burning in the fire of revenge and she killed Yashpal Singh. She was sentenced to life imprisonmen and gave birth to Munna. Yashpal singh's wife and Kripal Singh wanted Jeeva and her son to die. Jailor Kapil Dev must save them.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Dharti Putra is a 1993 Bollywood Drama movie featuring Mammootty, Jaya Prada, Nagma and Farah. The story revolves around Je...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Dharti Putra