Dil Ka Kya Kasoor is a 1992 released Bollywood Drama movie starring Divya Bharti, Suresh oberoi and Prithvi. The story revol...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Dil Ka Kya Kasoor is a 1992 released Bollywood Drama movie starring Divya Bharti, Suresh oberoi and Prithvi. The story revolves around Shalini Saxena who is a college student. She writes poem under the name of Seema. Arun who gives her poems his voice on occasions. Shalini was secretly in love with Arun. Shalini secretly helped Arun to become a great singer and a richer man. Arun gets married to Meena. When Seema's identity is revealed, Arun must choose between his wife and Shalini.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Dil Ka Kya Kasoor is a 1992 released Bollywood Drama movie starring Divya Bharti, Suresh oberoi and Prithvi. The story revol...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Dil Ka Kya Kasoor