Donga is a 2019 Telugu dubbed thriller movie starring Karthi, Jyothika, and Sathyaraj. The story revolves around Parvathy, wh...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Donga is a 2019 Telugu dubbed thriller movie starring Karthi, Jyothika, and Sathyaraj. The story revolves around Parvathy, who has been waiting for 15 years for her runaway younger brother, Saravanam, to return home. One day, Vicky, a stranger, arrives home claiming to be Saravanam and gains everyone's trust. However, when his life gets in danger, the unexpected truth begins to unfold.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Donga is a 2019 Telugu dubbed thriller movie starring Karthi, Jyothika, and Sathyaraj. The story revolves around Parvathy, wh...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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