Gaana Bajaana is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Tarun Chandra and Radhika Pandit. The story revolves around Ra...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gaana Bajaana is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Tarun Chandra and Radhika Pandit. The story revolves around Radhe, a beautiful girl, who loves Kuttu but Kuttu doesn’t reciprocates to her love. At the behest of her family, Radhe agrees to marry Krish, while, Kuttu starts realising his love for Radhe. What will be Radhe next move?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gaana Bajaana is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Tarun Chandra and Radhika Pandit. The story revolves around Ra...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Gaana Bajaana