Gatti Thali Bittimela is a 2006 Kannada comedy drama featuring Madhuri, Lohithashwa, Kashinath and others. Kashinath's charac...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gatti Thali Bittimela is a 2006 Kannada comedy drama featuring Madhuri, Lohithashwa, Kashinath and others. Kashinath's character lands in a village, disguised as Dolluraja, a percussion player. His mission is to help the villagers and save them from the cruel Panchayat Chairman Veeraiah and village head Chandranna.The village head’s sister Rukmini falls in love with Dolluraja and the two decide to get married. But her brother is strictly against this match. They try to get rid of Dolluraja.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gatti Thali Bittimela is a 2006 Kannada comedy drama featuring Madhuri, Lohithashwa, Kashinath and others. Kashinath's charac...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Gatti Thali Bittimela