Gooli is a 2008 Kannada action drama film starring Sudeep and Mamta Mohandas.The story revolves around Gooli, a gangster, who...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gooli is a 2008 Kannada action drama film starring Sudeep and Mamta Mohandas.The story revolves around Gooli, a gangster, who falls in love with Ramya and marries her. However, very soon they part ways and few months later Gooli gets the news of Ramya’s death. How will Gooli cope with the loss?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Gooli is a 2008 Kannada action drama film starring Sudeep and Mamta Mohandas.The story revolves around Gooli, a gangster, who...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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