Gopi Kishan is a 1994 Hindi comedy film starring Suniel Shetty and Karisma Kapoor.The story revolves around Kishan, a good-he...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Gopi Kishan is a 1994 Hindi comedy film starring Suniel Shetty and Karisma Kapoor.The story revolves around Kishan, a good-hearted gangster, who’s in search of his father. He comes across his look-alike, Gopi, a timid constable and decides to take advantage of this similarity. Kishan starts arresting criminals while Gopi believes that Lord Hanuman is doing miracles for him. Will the brothers ever come face to face and find the truth about their father?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Gopi Kishan is a 1994 Hindi comedy film starring Suniel Shetty and Karisma Kapoor.The story revolves around Kishan, a good-he...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Gopi Kishan