Hindustani is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srikanth, Ravi Teja, Prakash Raj, and Sonali Bendre. The story revol...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Hindustani is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srikanth, Ravi Teja, Prakash Raj, and Sonali Bendre. The story revolves around Koti, Amjad, and Radha Krishna, three men from different walks of life, who come together to prevent Masood, an ISI terrorist, from fleeing to Pakistan after being caught by the Indian police. Can the trio be successful in their mission and help avert a terrorist attack?
Audio Available in: Oriya
Hindustani is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Srikanth, Ravi Teja, Prakash Raj, and Sonali Bendre. The story revol...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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