International Rowdy is a 2017 Hindi dubbed science fiction film starring Vikram, Nayantara and Nithya Menen. Following the a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
International Rowdy is a 2017 Hindi dubbed science fiction film starring Vikram, Nayantara and Nithya Menen. Following the attack on the Indian Embassy in Malaysia, Akhilan, a former RAW agent, is assigned to track down the culprit. Akhilan's investigation leads him to his former nemesis, Love, who is also responsible for killing Akhilan's wife, Meera. Akhilan also finds out that Love has developed a hazardous drug. Will he be able to stop Love?
Audio Available in: Hindi
International Rowdy is a 2017 Hindi dubbed science fiction film starring Vikram, Nayantara and Nithya Menen. Following the a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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International Rowdy