Isqu is an Odia dubbed romantic drama movie starring Nithiin and Nithya Menen in the lead roles. The story revolves around Ra...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Isqu is an Odia dubbed romantic drama movie starring Nithiin and Nithya Menen in the lead roles. The story revolves around Rahul and Priya, collegemates, who fall in love with each other. Problems arise when Rahul meets Siva, Priya's brother, who hates him owing to a past incident. What is this past instance that Siva holds against Rahul, and will he ever accept him?
Audio Available in: Oriya
Isqu is an Odia dubbed romantic drama movie starring Nithiin and Nithya Menen in the lead roles. The story revolves around Ra...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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