Jinki Re Jinki is a 2007 drama starring Mohan Joshi, Devashish, Varnita, Sharad Mone, Rajashri, Dnyanesh and others. A seven...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Jinki Re Jinki is a 2007 drama starring Mohan Joshi, Devashish, Varnita, Sharad Mone, Rajashri, Dnyanesh and others. A seven year old boy is the most notorious pupil in school. His teachers are fed up of him. But one day a new teacher arrives in the village and he forges a bond with this boy. The teacher gradually changes this boy from being a brat to a good student. The boy is no longer naughty. He now wants to study and be successful in life.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Jinki Re Jinki is a 2007 drama starring Mohan Joshi, Devashish, Varnita, Sharad Mone, Rajashri, Dnyanesh and others. A seven...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Jinki Re Jinki