Kalavani 2 is a 2019 Tamil romantic comedy movie starring Vimal, Oviya and RJ Vigneshkanth. The story revolves around Arki, w...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kalavani 2 is a 2019 Tamil romantic comedy movie starring Vimal, Oviya and RJ Vigneshkanth. The story revolves around Arki, who nominates himself for the local elections, with an intention to withdraw his nomination on a later date after seeking money from other participants. Situations however change when Arki finds his uncle, his rival, contesting for the elections against him. Will Arki stick to his plan of withdrawing from the elections or will he compete against his uncle to prove his mettle?
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kalavani 2 is a 2019 Tamil romantic comedy movie starring Vimal, Oviya and RJ Vigneshkanth. The story revolves around Arki, w...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Kalavani 2