Kanchana 3 is a 2019 Telugu dubbed horror comedy movie starring Raghava Lawrence, Vedhika, Oviya and Nikki Tamboli. The story...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Kanchana 3 is a 2019 Telugu dubbed horror comedy movie starring Raghava Lawrence, Vedhika, Oviya and Nikki Tamboli. The story revolves Raghava, who along with family, goes to Coimbatore to attend a function. Situations however change when Raghava gets possessed by a ghost, while his family members experience spooky and strange incidents. Who has possessed Raghava? Is there a connection between the ghostly possession and Raghava's real life? How is Raghava connected to the eerie situation?
Audio Available in: Telugu
Kanchana 3 is a 2019 Telugu dubbed horror comedy movie starring Raghava Lawrence, Vedhika, Oviya and Nikki Tamboli. The story...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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Kanchana 3