Kazhugu is a 2004 Tamil dubbed sports-action movie starring Nithiin, Genelia D'Souza, and Shashank. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kazhugu is a 2004 Tamil dubbed sports-action movie starring Nithiin, Genelia D'Souza, and Shashank. The story revolves around Prudhvi and Shashank, leaders of their respective rugby teams, who must now forget their differences and come together to win a rugby union match to save their college land from the mafia. Can Prudhvi and Shashank find success in this do-or-die challenge?
Audio Available in: Tamil
Kazhugu is a 2004 Tamil dubbed sports-action movie starring Nithiin, Genelia D'Souza, and Shashank. The story revolves around...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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