Killer is a 2019 Telugu dubbed suspense thriller movie starring Arjun, Vijay Antony, and Ashima Narwal. After Prabhakaran con...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Killer is a 2019 Telugu dubbed suspense thriller movie starring Arjun, Vijay Antony, and Ashima Narwal. After Prabhakaran confesses to having committed a murder, DCP Karthikeyan, the investigating officer, finds it hard to believe owing to his investigation results. As the case gets challenging, DCP Karthikeyan now has the daunting task of identifying the real murderer.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Killer is a 2019 Telugu dubbed suspense thriller movie starring Arjun, Vijay Antony, and Ashima Narwal. After Prabhakaran con...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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