Krishna Leele is a 2000 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Shivarajkumar, Suvalakshmi and Ananth Nag. The story revolves a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Krishna Leele is a 2000 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Shivarajkumar, Suvalakshmi and Ananth Nag. The story revolves around Krishna, who gets sexually attracted to Suvalakshmi and becomes determined to get her at any cost. Situations however get complicated when Ananth, a friend of Shivanna, falls in love with Suvalakshmi and expresses his interest to marry her. What will Krishna do now? Will he let go of his desire for his friend? Or, is there a twist to the whole situation?
Audio Available in: Kannada
Krishna Leele is a 2000 Kannada romantic drama movie starring Shivarajkumar, Suvalakshmi and Ananth Nag. The story revolves a...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Krishna Leele