Kudrat Ka Kanoon is a 1987 Hindi drama film starring Jackie Shroff, Hema Malini and Radhika.The story revolves around Dr. Vij...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Kudrat Ka Kanoon is a 1987 Hindi drama film starring Jackie Shroff, Hema Malini and Radhika.The story revolves around Dr. Vijay who saves a labourer from being killed by some goons. The matter escalates and the crime boss frames Vijay for a murder and gets him arrested. Moreover, Vijay’s daughter gets killed and his wife is forced to leave the village. Advocate Bharti Mathur comes to their rescue and promises to get justice for Vijay.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Kudrat Ka Kanoon is a 1987 Hindi drama film starring Jackie Shroff, Hema Malini and Radhika.The story revolves around Dr. Vij...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Kudrat Ka Kanoon