Lav Kush is a 1997 mythological film starring Jeetendra, Jayaprada and others. The story begins after Lord Ram returns to Ay...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Lav Kush is a 1997 mythological film starring Jeetendra, Jayaprada and others. The story begins after Lord Ram returns to Ayodhya, is crowned the emperor and settles down to lead a happy family life. To protect his reputation he sends his pregnant wife to exile. Sita is rescued by Maharishi Valmiki, who takes her to his Ashram, renames her Lokpavni. She gives birth to two sons - Kush and Lav. Valmiki trains them in everything. Ten years later, the twins visit a drought and famine-ravaged Ayodhya.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Lav Kush is a 1997 mythological film starring Jeetendra, Jayaprada and others. The story begins after Lord Ram returns to Ay...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Lav Kush