Loafer is a 2015 Hindi drama starring Varun Tej, Disha Patani. This is a dubbed film. Raja is a young man, raised by his fat...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Loafer is a 2015 Hindi drama starring Varun Tej, Disha Patani. This is a dubbed film. Raja is a young man, raised by his father, who forcibly took him away from his mother when Raja was a baby. His father tells him that his mother is dead. Raja ends up becoming a thief. He falls in love with Mouni, who is escaping a forced marriage. But when he meets Mouni's aunt, Raja is shocked.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Loafer is a 2015 Hindi drama starring Varun Tej, Disha Patani. This is a dubbed film. Raja is a young man, raised by his fat...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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