Looose Control is a 2018 Marathi adult comedy film starring Akshay Mhatre, Manmeet Pem, Shashikant Kerkar, Bhau Kadam, Kushal...
Audio Available in: Marathi
Looose Control is a 2018 Marathi adult comedy film starring Akshay Mhatre, Manmeet Pem, Shashikant Kerkar, Bhau Kadam, Kushal Badrike, Shashank Shende, Aarti Solanki and Namrata Awate. Amol, Jaggo and Pinak are engineering students who are desperate to pass the exams at any cost. They decide to make a sex-tape and use the money earned to bribe the concerned people at the college. However, things get out of control and the youngsters go through a roller coaster ride of varied and colourful emotions.
Audio Available in: Marathi
Looose Control is a 2018 Marathi adult comedy film starring Akshay Mhatre, Manmeet Pem, Shashikant Kerkar, Bhau Kadam, Kushal...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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Looose Control