Madurai Veeran in a 2007 Tamil action drama film starring Githan Ramesh and Saloni Aswani. Shiva is the son of a wealthy busi...
Audio Available in: Tamil
Madurai Veeran in a 2007 Tamil action drama film starring Githan Ramesh and Saloni Aswani. Shiva is the son of a wealthy businessman. Priya is the daughter of a gangster Mayandi. Initially, they keep their distance but fall in love. Shiva's father doesn't approve of their relationship, but Shiva announces his wedding in front of the court. His father brings a battalion of police but is overwhelmed by the number of students present there. They get married happily and are blessed by Priya's father.
Audio Available in: Tamil
Madurai Veeran in a 2007 Tamil action drama film starring Githan Ramesh and Saloni Aswani. Shiva is the son of a wealthy busi...
Audio Available in: Tamil
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Madurai Veeran