Masoom is a 1996 Indian film Masoom is a remake of the 1994 Marathi Movie Maza Chakula, directed by Mahesh Kothare, The story...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Masoom is a 1996 Indian film Masoom is a remake of the 1994 Marathi Movie Maza Chakula, directed by Mahesh Kothare, The story is about Akash, an investigative journalist, campaigns to have Barood, a gangster, arrested and punished for his crimes. However, Barood kidnaps a child, Kishan, after killing the latter's father, Vikram.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Masoom is a 1996 Indian film Masoom is a remake of the 1994 Marathi Movie Maza Chakula, directed by Mahesh Kothare, The story...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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