A sequel to Meka Suri, Meka Suri 2 is a 2020 ZEE5 Original Telugu crime thriller movie starring Abhinay and Lirisha in the le...
Audio Available in: Telugu
A sequel to Meka Suri, Meka Suri 2 is a 2020 ZEE5 Original Telugu crime thriller movie starring Abhinay and Lirisha in the lead roles. After Meka Suri continues with his revenge on killing the last man responsible for his wife's death, he now has a bigger task on himself to serve justice to other women who’ve faced atrocities at the hands of men, by taking law into his own hands.
Audio Available in: Telugu
A sequel to Meka Suri, Meka Suri 2 is a 2020 ZEE5 Original Telugu crime thriller movie starring Abhinay and Lirisha in the le...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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Meka Suri 2