Mohini is a 2018 Telugu dubbed horror movie starring Trisha Krishnan and Jackky Bhagnani in the lead. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Telugu
Mohini is a 2018 Telugu dubbed horror movie starring Trisha Krishnan and Jackky Bhagnani in the lead. The story revolves around Vaishnavi, a chef, who falls in love with Sandeep on her trip to London. However, as soon as the couple confess their love and decide to get married, Vaishnavi gets possessed by Mohini, an evil spirit. To find out who's Mohini and her connection with Vaishnavi, watch Mohini on ZEE5.
Audio Available in: Telugu
Mohini is a 2018 Telugu dubbed horror movie starring Trisha Krishnan and Jackky Bhagnani in the lead. The story revolves arou...
Audio Available in: Telugu
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