Mrutyudanda is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Prabhas, Nayanthara, Ali, and Subbaraju. Eshwar turns into a gangst...
Audio Available in: Oriya
Mrutyudanda is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Prabhas, Nayanthara, Ali, and Subbaraju. Eshwar turns into a gangster after arriving in the city. The situation turns interesting after his mother visits the city in search of him and struggles to find him. Will Eshwar and his mother find each other?
Audio Available in: Oriya
Mrutyudanda is an Odia dubbed action-drama movie starring Prabhas, Nayanthara, Ali, and Subbaraju. Eshwar turns into a gangst...
Audio Available in: Oriya
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