Nil Battey Sannata is a 2015 Hindi drama film starring Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah and Riya Shukla. The story revolves a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Nil Battey Sannata is a 2015 Hindi drama film starring Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah and Riya Shukla. The story revolves around Apeksha, a student studying in class 10, who lacks motivation to complete her studies, because she doesn’t want to burden her poor mother Chanda, with expenses of her future education. How would Chanda motivate her daughter to excel in studies and succeed in life?
Audio Available in: Hindi
Nil Battey Sannata is a 2015 Hindi drama film starring Swara Bhaskar, Ratna Pathak Shah and Riya Shukla. The story revolves a...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Nil Battey Sannata