Nooru Janmaku is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Santhosh Aryan and Aindrita Ray. The story revolves around Viny...
Audio Available in: Kannada
Nooru Janmaku is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Santhosh Aryan and Aindrita Ray. The story revolves around Vinyas, who starts his own business and falls in love with his assistant Drushti. But Drushti rejects his love as she already is in love with Jeevan. Drushti quits the job and start her own company with Jeeva. Dejected in love Vinyas starts failing in business and incurs loss. Finally, when he comes to terms, he attains success and realises what failure has taught him.
Audio Available in: Kannada
Nooru Janmaku is a 2010 Kannada romantic drama film starring Santhosh Aryan and Aindrita Ray. The story revolves around Viny...
Audio Available in: Kannada
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Nooru Janmaku