One Room Kitchen is a 2011 Marathi drama starring Helen, Bharat Jadhav, Bhargavi Chirmule and others. Ravi and Suman are a mi...
Audio Available in: Marathi
One Room Kitchen is a 2011 Marathi drama starring Helen, Bharat Jadhav, Bhargavi Chirmule and others. Ravi and Suman are a middle-class couple living happily in a chawl. But when Suman sees her friend Neha's lavish apartment, she's jealous and wants to live in a bigger flat - a one-room kitchen at least. Her husband can't afford one in his meagre earnings. So,the couple starts searching for one in their budget while saving all the money they can, until Suman realises the true meaning of happiness in life.
Audio Available in: Marathi
One Room Kitchen is a 2011 Marathi drama starring Helen, Bharat Jadhav, Bhargavi Chirmule and others. Ravi and Suman are a mi...
Audio Available in: Marathi
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One Room Kitchen