Paying Guests is a 2009 Hindi comedy film starring Shreyas Talpade, Javed Jaffrey and Aashish Chaudhry.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Paying Guests is a 2009 Hindi comedy film starring Shreyas Talpade, Javed Jaffrey and Aashish Chaudhry.The story revolves around four friends Bhavesh, Parag, Parikshat, and Jayesh who are asked to vacate their rented apartment. As the friends are broke and have nowhere to go, so the hapless foursome decides to pose as couples to rent the apartment.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Paying Guests is a 2009 Hindi comedy film starring Shreyas Talpade, Javed Jaffrey and Aashish Chaudhry.The story revolves aro...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Paying Guests