Pokkiri Raja is a 2010 Hindi dubbed action comedy film starring Mammootty, Prithviraj and Shriya Saran. When Madhavan unknowi...
Audio Available in: Hindi
Pokkiri Raja is a 2010 Hindi dubbed action comedy film starring Mammootty, Prithviraj and Shriya Saran. When Madhavan unknowingly kills a teenager, his eldest son, Raja, takes the blame and goes to jail. Madhavan refuses to accept Raja forcing Raja to move to Madurai. Years later, Raja who is now known as Pokkiri Raja helps his younger brother, Surya, and father against a ruthless cop.
Audio Available in: Hindi
Pokkiri Raja is a 2010 Hindi dubbed action comedy film starring Mammootty, Prithviraj and Shriya Saran. When Madhavan unknowi...
Audio Available in: Hindi
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Pokkiri Raja